So I got me a Magic Bullet a little while ago and just recently started getting really into using it. :)
Ive been making smoothies like crazy. Tonight I made one that Im really fond of. It was so yummy.
Granted its nothing exciting or brand new and never thought of but still... Im going to show you anyways.
I was looking in my not so very stalked fridge trying to come up with something to make for dinner.
I saw me some eggs and ketchup and I was like okay, egg sandwiches.
Then I saw me some kiwi's and pears and thought... might as well use them.. would hate to let them go to waste..
SO I made the egg sandwich and ate it. Then I set to work on my smoothie.
Cut me up some kiwi's and pears
Put them in the cup & added some ice ice baby..

Then mixed this shit up
Added some nummy nutella! and mixed that in real good.

Which created this deliciousness <3
M M MMMM. By far my favorite thing Ive produced with my bullet.
Anyone eles out there have a magic bullet with which they created one of there favorite things to eat??
Hit me with some ideas, im all ears !!!!!!
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