Thursday, 14 July 2011

The Mashed Potatoe

Okay if you read my previous enrty you already know whats going on, if not...go read it because Im not explaining it again.
Last night I was trying to think of things that I would be able to eat
Here are the giude lines to which I must stick to so as to not cause any more pain then there is..
  1. Must be in liguid or mushed form
  2. Must be able to slide down my throat easily
  3. Cant taste like shit! -very important..
So with those rules I set off -well I didnt really go anywhere, I just stayed put because I was feeling reallly dizzy and just made my brain go to work..:)- to look for something to eat because to be honest...bye this point I hadnt really eaten anything over the last 4 days so I needed to get something!!

I got the usual shit like ice cream and yogurt and apple sauce and then... MASHED POTATOES!
I made my mom make me some right that instant and holy balls! It was amazing.

Note to everyone: If you need something to eat and you cant move your jaw and you are sick of ice cream, mashed potatoes are the best thing to have.

They were delicious one, and two they were smooth and soft and creamy.....mmmmm like a dream.
You can have different flavors/kinds to like sweet potatoes... :O, dont even get me started on sweet potatoes! AND mix your apple sauce with themmmm!!! its yummy.

The mashed potatoe will be my life saver for the next 2 weeks

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