Friday, 19 August 2011

The Shitty Surgery Experience!

So the other day I finally got all my wisdom teeth out and let me tell you, it was somethin' else!
Heres how it went down...

I get up that morning and unfortunately Im already panicing.
Surgery/ teeth are not my forte..Ive had penty of surgeries before and I had braces so obviously pulling teeth isnt new to me...still though.. I never had any smooth sailing experiences...

Like when I was little I had to get 4 teeth pulled to be able to put my braces on.. ya turns out I dont take to the freezing like AT ALL, the dentist didnt care nor was he interested in trying to find another way.. so he just pulled them out..WITH OUT freezing.. I know can you believe it?!!

Anyways so as time is ticking away im getting more and more nervous. Luckily I have an amazing boyfriend who called me and gave me a little pep-talk and tried to insure me that everything was going to be okay. :)
Sadly, everything wasnt going to be okay :( ....

We get to the dentists office and I can hear him talking to another mom about how her daughters didnt sound good but apparently it went very routine... FUCK  O_O...

Anyway shortly after that they gave me a form to sign...on it was possible things that could happen during the surgery.. like fracturing my jaw, cutting nerves.. cool shit like that..this made me panic even moree.

Finally it was my turn to go in. I jumped when they called my name, this was not going to be easy or fun and I knew it. I get to the chair and the nurses were nice, luckily, however they still didnt make the situation any better. they started explaining how things were going to go and it freaked me the fuck out. saying that im just gonna be heavily sedated and then there gonna freeze my mouth.. O_O
According to them though I have an athletes heart...?? lol, I know me? of all people right.
Anyway, I kept forgeting to breath so the thing would beat like crazy which scared tthe shit out of me and also didnt help the situation. Then they put this huge breathing mask thing on my nose which was a little intimidating.
At this point im already panicing.. then the dentist comes in with a needle to put the IV in me and I start freaking out. The needle hurt like a bitch and the whole thing started to become over whelming!
 I started crying and I couldnt breath, Im sure if you were looking from above you would think this was some horror movie were they were trying to cut me open and shit against my will..
So they started to up the dosages on everything and one of the nurse was trying to calm me down/ hold me down.

It was just a disaster! I passed right out some time after that, and I was so sedated that I dont remember what happen when I woke up or how I got home...

Here I am when I got home.. haa

The first day was a little crazy. My face was numb, I had been trumatized, and swollowing pills was no easy task,  there was blood everywhere. I just remember being soooooo unbelieveably thirsty :( worst feeling ever.
Good thing I have my boyfriend. He was so sweet and tried to make me feel better <3
And now today wasnt that bad I guess... pfffffftttt what am I saying it was complete shit!
Im starving and still thirsty, im weak and to top it off.. I started vomitting... do you know how hard and painful it is to vomt when you just got your wisdom teeth out?!! Let me tell you, its no easy fucking task.

This whole wisdom teeth thing is going to kill me :'(

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