Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Sob Stories

So I have a bone to pick...actually its not really bone picking, its just something that I've noticed that REALLY is grinding my gears...
Has anyone else noticed that EVERYONE who is on any dancing, singing, or talent show all have the same god damn story..
"oh I grew up poor"
"I had a hard life"
"im lonely"
Blah, Blah, BLAH

Now am I being a little mean? Maybe
Am I being a little sour because I too have a shitty life like them and im not on TV talking about it....? Maybe
But I mean honestly... Hearing the same "rags to hopefully riches" story is soo not original anymore.
Its hard to feel sorry for someone or anything because the fucking world is just a wreck
There is no originality on this shit anymore.
So tragic.
Maybe its just me?  I dunno. Even if it is just me... Im fine with being a little selfish and ask for some fuckin new shit.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Stairs, Stairs, and More Stairs

So my friend Ariffa and I went and ran some stairs last night..
This is our adventure,

First we had something to eat, I had a pb and plum flax sandwich -which made my stomach hurt, dont use plums before doing activites..bad idea.

Then I was dropped off at Eau Claire were I met up with Ariffa.
Then we set out looking for a kickass set of stairs.
We sorta got lost a bit thanks to construction and ended up taking a detour in a circle for no real reason.
But we power walked through it and got to the stairs!!
-power walking

-the stairss

Might I just add that it was hella hot out last night/day. weeuuuu!!
Then we got down to business, working them legs and getting out hearts pumpin!

-Go Ariffa!

-Go me!!
Now of course Ariffa kicked my ass cause shes so super duper athletic and shit, but I did pretty good in my books!
I ran that shit 4 times.. weeeuu!!
It was awesome.. 
Course, we still had our fun..

Friday, 17 June 2011

300 stairs later....

Lately I have not been okay with my weight and my body shape...
So I am jumping into action.. No more being lazy, no more eating shitty food.
I am kicking my own ass into high gear!
So today after having an amazing day in court -will explain what happen in a minute- I took that adrenaline anddddddd ran up and down 300 stairs...
Well I only had 10 stairs but I ran up and down them 30 times.. which = 300.. :)
There is these double set of stairs near my house that have like a million stairs and I want to be able to run up and down them consistently for an hour.. not fast running but just consistently running up and down.. that is my goal... and I will reach it god dammit!
However, this is gonna take some time for sure because Im fucking DYING from only the 300 stairs.. good god.
I like literally can not walk right now.. its the worst. My poor jello legs.. waa :(

Now about court... IT WENT SO EFFING AWESMOE!!!!
We got the support we were expecting and my dad got dressed down HARD.
It was epic.
Things are gonna turn around now and its great!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Im Lacking...

So over the last little while I have noticed that I've been lacking in a lot of ways...
I lack being as fun as I know I am and can be..
I lack being as healthy as I usually am..
I lack motivation..
I just LACK.... I'm a lacker...
This is causing me to become lazy and boring and I feel like shit.. blehhhhhk :(
Only good thing happening right now is my boyfriend <3...but honestly I cant just become all creepy obsessive over him and do nothing but be crazy about him -thats not attractive.

Soooooo I think it is time to do some little consistant things.. like a mini challenge blog like the one I did that I never got to finish.. :(
BUT just so you know, I have been doing some of the stuff on that list that I could have added to it but they were done so far apart that it didnt seem worth it to put in on the blog.. so..ya.

I am gonna start doing shit again.. cause its now summer and I should be having the time of my life right!
Which is what I am going to do.. :)

Stay tuned for an update this friday about how my life is gonna change!!!!!!!
If you read my other blog you know why I started blogging in the first place..
and that reason is why I am going to court this friday..things are about to change and its gonna be awesome!!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Blog Clogged!

I have found myself being very frustrated with this whole blogging thing.
I have a million and 2 things that I want to and could be writing about..but I dont.
Sure there are some reasons and excuses that are...reasonable and excusable.. :).. :S
BUT in my head there is no reason why I cant be writing this shit down..
Its like I go to sit down and and tell this amazing story... buttt nothing comes out. :(
Its so sad, and I said..

If anyone can give me some insight as to how I can fix it... PLEASE HELP!!
Cause I love blogging. honest I do.