Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Back to Hitting the Books!

Yesterday was the first day of my math upgrading class.
I wanna start off by saying what the fuck was I thinking!!! ...
Seriously I must have hit my head or lost my mind completely when I though I would actually be able to one - do any sort of math work and two - do it at a fast pace and keep up!
Now maybe I am just being paranoid because well I hate math , but also I am 3 years rusty at even going to class never mind a math class - did I mention I hate math.... like with a passion?
I was definitely not expecting to walk into the first math class and get right to work on the lesson(s).
Ya lessons... we did 3 in one class... which I had no idea would happen.
I wanted to cry. By the time I sort of knew what I was doing in the first lesson , we had done 2 other lessons and it was the end of class. 
I totally started beating myself up over it - common brain pick it up for fuck sakes!
I have nice friends though. Ariffa texted me later on in the day and was trying to be motivational..
Text : You are not [going to fail] Confidence! Excitement weooooooooooooooooooooh! Future! Eye on the prize! - I can totally hear how she would be saying all this and trust me she wouldnt be saying it in this exciting "go you go" attitude even though she means it that way... if you really wanna know how she would sound just read the sentence to yourself and pretend the exclamation marks arent there. What she finishes the motivational sentence with proves it - Ill stop now!!
Surprisingly she is super motivating though. I heart her.

Afterwords me and my boyfriend went to get something to eat and register his new car.
Then we headed out to Canmore so he could do a little bmxing. 
We grabbed some awesome pizza from Pizza Construction - sooo yummy - and then headed on home. 

By the time we reached home I was dead tired. 
From waking up so early in the morning then stressing my brain out to its breaking point - beyond repair I think - to driving to Canmore and back I just could not stay awake. 
I had even attempted to right this very blog... but there was no way it was happening.
So with that I just gave up trying to fight off the sleepiness and just laid down and passed right the fuck out.
Which brings me to this morning, waking up to get my brother off to school , make a fresh & yummy banana-raspberry smoothie and seeing my puppy <3
Start to a great morning so far , however , stupid math is still in the back of my head taunting me.
which reminds me I need to finish my math homework for tomorrow - sigh.

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