So its been brought to my attention many, many...many times before that I can never seem to write anything without spelling something wrong....and its true! I cant!
Whether it be a card im writing or something im typing, even with spell check and me asking how to spell each and every word, I still manage to fuck up somehow!
I dont have any learning disabilities that I am aware of...and I dont really feel like finding out if I truly do have one... because then it becomes real. Set in stone. On record that I, Brittany Elizabeth Grimes, am an idiot.
Ya there is no way in hell I am giving my twin sister, her boy toy, and my little brother legit proof that I am a misfunctioning machine.
Luckily life goes on! And as life goes on I will continue to spell shit wrong and fuck up every single card I write in.
Good thing it doesnt bother me...:D
frick it!